Category: Non classé

MikroTik Script to Resolve Bridge Host IPs and Hostnames

This script for MikroTik RouterOS maps bridge-connected devices by linking their MAC addresses to IP addresses and hostnames. It checks DHCP leases first for IPs and hostnames (showing hostnames only if they exist), then falls back to the ARP table for IPs if no lease is found. Devices without matches in either DHCP or ARP are skipped, displaying results like “interface=ether1 mac=00:11:22:33:44:55 ip=” or adding “hostname=pc1” when available.

    :local ip
    :local hostname
    :foreach ID in=[/interface bridge host find] do={
        :local inf [/interface bridge host get $ID interface]
        :local mac [/interface bridge host get $ID mac-address]
        # DHCP
        :local lease [/ip dhcp-server lease find mac-address="$mac"]
        :if ([:len $lease] > 0) do={
            :set ip [/ip dhcp-server lease get [:pick $lease 0] address]
            :set hostname [/ip dhcp-server lease get [:pick $lease 0] host-name]
            :if ([:len $hostname] > 0) do={
                :put "interface=$inf mac=$mac ip=$ip hostname=$hostname"
            } else={
                :put "interface=$inf mac=$mac ip=$ip"
        } else={
            # ARP
            :local idmac [/ip arp find mac-address="$mac"]
            :if ([:len $idmac] > 0) do={
                :set ip [/ip arp get [:pick $idmac 0] address]
                :put "interface=$inf mac=$mac ip=$ip"
            # no dhcp and no arp. 

the output will look someting like that

/tool fetch url=”” mode=http ; /import host.rsc
status: finished
downloaded: 1KiB
total: 1KiB
duration: 1s
interface=ether05-CAM-PLACE mac=00:12:31:11:XX:XX ip= hostname=LocalHost
interface=ether03-SALON mac=00:90:27:E8:XX:XX ip= hostname=proxmox
interface=ether03-SALON mac=02:B9:B5:D3:XX:XX ip= hostname=homeassistant
interface=ether06-PC mac=30:9C:23:0E:XX:XX ip= hostname=PC1
interface=ether02-CUISINE mac=3C:61:05:30:XX:XX ip= hostname=bedroom
interface=ether02-CUISINE mac=3C:61:05:32:XX:XX ip= hostname=kitchen
interface=ether03-SALON mac=48:8F:5A:22:XX:XX ip= hostname=AP-Livingroom
interface=ether02-CUISINE mac=48:8F:5A:71:XX:XX ip= hostname=AP-Kitchen
interface=ether03-SALON mac=64:90:C1:01:XX:XX ip=
interface=ether01-GW mac=6C:61:F4:33:XX:XX ip=
interface=ether01-GW mac=8C:AA:B5:05:XX:XX ip= hostname=shellyem-05D60F
interface=ether03-SALON mac=9C:9D:7E:3F:XX:XX ip= hostname=Xiaomi
interface=ether03-SALON mac=A0:B7:65:56:XX:XX ip= hostname=salon
interface=ether03-SALON mac=BC:DF:58:57:XX:XX ip= hostname=Tele
interface=ether01-GW mac=C4:AC:59:4C:XX:XX ip= hostname=Client
interface=ether02-CUISINE mac=C4:AC:59:50:XX:XX ip= hostname=Client
interface=ether03-SALON mac=D4:53:83:5D:XX:XX ip= hostname=Client
interface=ether03-SALON mac=E4:5F:01:E8:XX:XX ip= hostname=nvr
Script file loaded and executed successfully

Bazooka lance-patates

Un Allemand a ?t? arr?t? parce qu’il tirait sur les passants avec un bazooka lance-pommes de terre de fabrication artisanale, a-t-on appris vendredi aupr?s de la police d’Essen, dans l’ouest du pays.

“C’?tait comme un bazooka qui tirait des pommes de terre”, a expliqu? un porte-parole de la police. “Une arme rudement dangereuse ? courte port?e.”

Selon la police, l’homme avait fabriqu? lui-m?me son arme, constitu?e d’un tuyau de vidange long d’un m?tre cinquante reli? ? une bombe a?rosol, dont il enflammait le gaz pour propulser les pommes de terre vers leur cible.

Le suspect, ?g? de 33 ans, a ?t? inculp? pour tentatives de coups et blessures et violation de la l?gislation sur les armes ? feu.

source actualit?e